Highway 60 and Lake Dore Road/
Kokomis Road Intersection Improvements
Township of North Algona Wilberforce, County of Renfrew
As per the MTO’s Class EA for Provincial Transportation Facilities, the project team has developed a short list of technically feasible alternatives to address the issues identified in the Operational Performance Review.
The purpose of this study is to generate and evaluate options to improve the operational and geometric conditions of this intersection. The study will also assess the impacts associated with the proposed improvements and identify mitigation measures to avoid or offset negative impacts, where feasible.
A Public Information Centre 1 (PIC #1) was held for the project in June 2023 and five (5) short-listed alternatives were presented, along with the proposed criteria to be used as part of a comparative evaluation to identify a Technically Preferred Alternative (TPA). Based on the comments received at PIC #1 and further design reviews, the project team identified the need for additional consultation and refinements to the alternatives. Two (2) short-listed alternatives were subsequently screened out from further consideration, leaving three (3) alternatives that were evaluated to identify the TPA.
Public Information Centre #2
A second PIC will be held to:
Present the results of the comparative evaluation of the three short-listed alternatives and the recommended TPA.
Provide an opportunity to review and comment on the proposed design, potential effects, and proposed mitigation measures.
The PIC will be drop-in format with MTO and Dillon staff available to discuss the study and answer questions. Project information, including the Class EA process, details of the short-list of alternatives, and proposed evaluation criteria to identify the technically preferred alternative.
The Project Team thanks everyone who attended the PIC and those who provided comments. These comments are currently under review and responses are being prepared. We thank you for your patience while we review and assess the valuable information provided.
Thank you to everyone that attended PIC #2!
PIC #2
April 17, 2024
4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Golden Lake Community Hall, 3310 Lake Dore Rd, Golden Lake, Ontario, K0J 1X0
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Public Information Centre #2
Public Information Centre #1
PIC #1
June 21, 2023
4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Golden Lake Community Hall, 3310 Lake Dore Rd, Golden Lake, Ontario, K0J 1X0
As per the MTO’s Class EA for Provincial Transportation Facilities, the project team has developed a long list of technically feasible alternatives to address the issues identified in the Operational Performance Review.
The goal is to provide a long list of intersection improvements that consider environmental constraints while providing a functional and safe improvement for the community. The Study Area is already highly developed, limiting the number of suitable alternatives. The project team developed 20 alternative intersection improvements that were presented at PIC #1.
Public Information Centre
The purpose of the Public Information Centre (PIC) was to:
Present the known environmental conditions for the study area;
Seek input from the community on additional conditions the team should be aware of;
Present the criteria used to screen the long list of alternatives;
Present the results of the coarse screening and identification of the short-listed alternatives; and
Seek input on the proposed short-list of alternatives and the proposed evaluation process that will be completed to identify the Technically Preferred Alternative (TPA).
The PIC was a drop-in format with MTO and Dillon staff available to discuss the study and answer questions. Project information, including the Class EA process, details of the long-list of alternatives, and proposed evaluation criteria to identify the technically preferred alternative.
The Project Team thanks everyone who attended the PIC and those who provided comments. These comments are currently under review and responses are being prepared. We thank you for your patience while we review and assess the valuable information provided.
Thank you to everyone that attended PIC #1!
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